czwartek, 15 listopada 2012

oh, but everyone's to blame

Antony Gormley
Critical Mass
Antony Gormley
everybody's lying
Louise Bourgeois *
mam rozmytą twarz
jak u topielca
codziennie zdradzam
z nią jutro
Gelido in ogni vena                     I feel to run in my veins
scorrer mi sento il sangue                             a cold blood
l’ombra del figlio esangue      the bloodless son’s shadow
m’ingombra di terror                              fills me of terror
E per maggior pia pena           And for my greater sorrow
credo che fui crudele          I believe to have been cruel
a un’anima innocente                      to an innocent heart
al core del mio cor                         the heart of my heart

*nie lubię tej pani

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