what more could to want ?
Maja Siemińska, „In illo tempore” płyta gipsowa, 120 x 200cm technika mieszana srebro, olej, krakelura, tektura, media fakturalne |
Będę z Tobą jadła
będę z Tobą spała
będę Cię na sercu
i na oku miała
I translated the lyrics of this song because it molest me since morning
and I do not know what can I do with her more
if do not marry
if do not marry
You will collect the flowers
you smile
'll count the stars
you'll wait for me
And you only you
will be my lady
and you just you
you will be my lady
Will you played violin bark
will sing rowan
trees, leaves, birds all
I'll dance with you
fairy tales to tell
orange sun
in your hands consist
And you only you
will be my lady
and you just you
you will be my lady
Will you played the August night
winds tuned the color of the sun
will sing, sing without end
You will have the name
like a spring storm / rose
'll have love
like an autumn storm
And you only you
will be my lady
and you just you
you will be my lady
Maja Siemińska, „In illo tempore” płyta gipsowa, 120 x 200cm, technika mieszana srebro, olej, krakelura, tektura, media fakturalne, detal |
III Czas, s.89 |
photo: Agnieszka Siemińska |
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