Qoppa Ϙ Ϟ ϟ Ϟ ϟ Ϙ ϙ ARCHAIC KOPPA *
The place they were stranded MIEJSCE OPUSZCZONE
The traces that they made ŚLADY UCZYNIONEAll got washed away WSZYSTKO ZMYTE
The people before us LUDZIE PRZED NAMI
The fires that they burned PŁOMIENIE KTÓRE ROZPALILI
Somehow all want out JAKOŚ WSZYSCY CHCĄ BYĆ POZA
Let's make a decision USTALMY PEWNE PRYNCYPIA
Alone I cannot judge SAMA NIE MOGĘ SĄDZIĆ
The tide is coming in ZBLIŻA SIĘ PRZYPŁYW
It's all for the better WSZYSTKO BĘDZIE DOBRZE
Come with me if you want CHODŹ ZE MNĄ JEŚLI CHCESZ
'Cause I am heading home BO ZMIERZAM DO DOMU
But I feel no guilt I NIE CZUJĘ SIĘ WINNA
I'm doing all the things that I want to do
Do we all believe it ? WIERZYMY ?
I put my boat right on the water KŁADĘ MÓJ STATEK PROSTO NA WODĘ
I hear the voices calling, but is it you ? SŁYSZĘ NAWOŁUJĄCE GŁOSY ALE CZY TO TY ? Do we all believe in endless summers CZY WIERZYMY W NIEKOŃCZĄCE SIĘ WAKACJE ?
Do we all believe in summer ? WIERZYMY W LATO ?
So do you remember WIĘC CZY PAMIĘTASZ
Or is it what you're told ALBO CZY TO JEST TYM CO POWIEDZIAŁAŚ
Who am I to know ? KIM JESTEM, ŻEBY WIEDZIEĆ ?
It's all for the better WSZYSTKO ZMIERZA KU LEPSZEMU
Come with me if you want CHODŹ ZE MNĄ JEŚLI CHCESZ
'Cause I am heading home BO ZDĄŻAM DO DOMU
I am putting my boat on the water...
* NICK NICHOLAS: Archaic KoppaGreek Letter Archaic Koppa [Ϙ]; Greek Small Letter Archaic Koppa [ϙ]
The Phoenecian alphabet was adapted for Greek more stupidly than we might think. The greater dumbness occured with san; but koppa also owes its short tenure to archaic Greeks being slow on the uptake.
Phoenecian had a velar plosive, kap̱ (Hebrew kaf, כ), and a uvular plosive, qôp̱ (Hebrew qof, ק). When the Greeks adopted the Phoenecian alphabet, they took both letters on. Greek does not have a uvular; but the /k/ before back vowels was pronounced slightly retracted, as one would expect: [ḵ]. So the Greeks spent a couple of centuries writing /ko/ and /ku/ as ϙο, ϙυ; this happened throughout Greece (Jeffery 1990:33). Gradually, though, Greeks realised that [ḵ] and [k] are the same phoneme, and should be written as the same letter; while some Doric regions held on to koppa into the fifth century, it did not survive the switch to the Milesian alphabet.
Since koppa does not represent a real phonological distinction, it is only used in transcription of inscriptions, not in linguistic discussion of dialects. It does not appear in lexica, for example.
The capital form used for koppa is uniformly a larger version of the lowercase, with its tail usually on the line rather than descending. Haralambous mentions the proposed form for archaic koppa capital as a backwards P, which Michael Everson rejects as inauthentic in his Archaic Koppa proposal. The issue of course is not the authenticity—all Greek lowercase is a mediaeval invention, after all—but whether there is any usage of such a glyph by the Classicists who would primarily use it; I have not seen it anywhere else, although it inevitably turns up in that glyph graveyard :-) , SIL Galatia Extras:
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